Single ITI

Grade of ITI:
Group B
Overall Rating:
Rating Actual Parameter Value
Career Advancement Rating
Wage Employment 1% 1%
Self Employment 0% 0%
Apprenticeship 7% 7%
Higher Education 1% 1%
Quality of Training Rating
Pass Rate 2 62%
Trainees with Distinction 0 2%
Instructor Vacancy 0 79%
Machinery Availability 0 0%
Skilling Competition Participants 0 0%
Industry Exposure Rating
Trainees sent for dual training 0 0
DST Trainees Placed 5 Greater than 90% of the total DST Trainees
Industry support for workshops 1 Less Than 10% of the total seats offered at ITI
Industry support for machinery 1 Less Than 10% of the total seats offered at ITI
Industry visits 1 Less Than 10% of the total seats offered at ITI